
lunedì 28 luglio 2008

19 (Nineteen)

Paul Hardcastle "esplose" nel mondo della musica nel 1985 con "19" (Nineteen), lanciato da un video che mostrava scene della guerra del Vietnam e dell'addestramento delle reclute. Quel conflitto era finito solo dieci anni prima. Quel "19" era l'età media dei soldati americani.

Al brano dance si sovrapponeva la voce dello speaker televisivo che parlava della sindrome da stress post-traumatico dei veterani del Vietnam. Probabilmente il successo di "19" fu proprio quel parlato, appartenente all'americano Peter Thomas, narratore televisivo professionista. Ricordava un'altro famoso brano, "Seven O'clock News/Silent night" di Simon & Garfunkel, uscito nel 1966.

"19" raggiunse la prima posizione nelle classifiche di tredici paesi, Italia compresa. Poi Hardcastle si dedicò alle colonne sonore ed ai remix.


(Vociare di dimostranti)

(Peter Thomas): In 1965 Vietnam seemed like just another foreign war
But it wasn't
It was different in many ways
And so were those who did the fighting
In world war two the average age of the combat soldier was 26
In Vietnam he was 19. (Sampling) Inininininin Vietnam he was 19.

(TV-Reporter): The heaviest fighting of the past two weeks
Continued today 25 miles north west of Saigon

(Albert Dobbs): I wasn't really sure what was going on
(Vet's Voice): Nininini Nineteen, 19, 19 19 19
(Peter Thomas): In Vietnam the combat soldier typically served
A twelve-month tour of duty
But was exposed to hostile fire
Almost every day

(Voce femminile e Peter Thomas)
Ninininininininininin** 19* nininininninin 19 Ninininininininininin 19 nininininninin 19

(TV-Reporter): In Saigon a U.S. Military spokesman said today
More then 700 enemy troops were killed last week
In that sensitive border area
Through out all of south Vietnam the enemy lost
A total of 2.689 soldiers [Urlo]

(Voce femminile)
All those who remember the war
They won't forget what they've seen
Destruction of men in their prime
Whose average age was 19

(Peter Thomas): According to a veterans administration study
Half of the Vietnam combat veterans
Suffer from what psychiatrists call
Post traumatic stress disorder
Many vets complain of alienation, rage or guilt
Some succumb to suicidal thoughts
Eight to ten years after coming home
Almost 800.000 men are still fighting the Vietnam War

(Peter Thomas): None of them recieved a hero's welcome

(Voce femminile e speaker)
Nininininininininin Nineteen, Saigon Saigon Saigon Saigon Saigon
19, Ni-nineteen 19, 19, 19, 19, 19
Nininininininininin Nineteen, 19, Ni-nineteen 19, Ni-nineteen, 19

Vietnam , Saigon , Vietnam , Saigon
Vietnam , Saigon , Vietnam , Saigon

(Peter Thomas): Purple heart, Saigon, purple heart, Saigon

(Veterano): I wasn't really sure what was going on
(Veterano): I wasn't really sure what was going on

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