
domenica 4 gennaio 2009

I Talk Talk

I Talk Talk, band inglese, si formarono sulle ceneri di un oscuro gruppo, i Reaction, e misero insieme il chitarrista e vocalist Mark Hollis, il bassista Paul Webb e il batterista Lee Harris. A loro si aggiunse il tastierista Simon Brenner. L'album d'esordio, "The Party's over", del 1982, raggiunse il 21° posto nelle classifiche inglesi, il singolo "Talk talk" fu 23°.

"It's My Life" dall'omonimo album, e "Such a shame" scalarono invece le classifiche mondiali nel 1984 assicurando ai Talk Talk un seguito internazionale. La band, che nel 1982 era stata supporter dei Duran Duran in tournée, sostenne il tour americano degli Psychedelic Furs e dei Berlin.

Nel 1986 "Life is what you make it", dall'album "The colour of spring" replicò il successo del precedente LP. La musica dei Talk Talk segnò però una svolta: la new wave veniva mitigata, tanto da essere poi abbandonata nel 1988 con "Spirit of Eden", che non fu forse proprio per questo motivo un successo commerciale, nonostante l'apprezzamento della critica, entusiasta più di questo che degli altri lavori. La contaminazione con suoni jazz ed elementi classici non era probabilmente nelle corde dei loro fans. Nacque anche una disputa con la EMI e la band cancellò il tour previsto per il nuovo album firmando per la Polydor, con la quale pubblicò il disco del 1991, Laughing Stock".

Fu lì che i Talk Talk implosero: Webb e Harris formarono gli O'rang, Hollis si dedicò a una poco promettente carriera solista, mentre la EMI si consolò con il terzo posto della compilation dei loro pezzi, "Natural History", pubblicata nel 1990.



Such a shame to believe in escape
'A life on every face'
And that's a change
Till I'm finally left with an eight
Tell me to relax, I just stare
Maybe I don't know if I should change
A feeling that we share
It's a shame

Such a shame
Number me with rage
It's a shame
Such a shame
Number me in haste
Such a shame
This eagerness to change
It's a shame

The dice decide my fate
And that's a shame
In these trembling hands my faith
Tells me to react, 'I don't care'
Maybe it's unkind that I should change
A feeling that we share
It's a shame

Such a shame
Number me with rage
It's a shame
Such a shame
Number me in haste
Such a shame
This eagerness to change
Such a shame

Tell me to relax, I just stare
Maybe I don't know if I should change
A feeling that we share
It's a shame

Such a shame
Number me with rage
It's a shame
Such a shame
Number me in haste
It's a shame
Such a shame
Write it across my name
It's a shame
Such a shame
Number me in haste
Such a shame
This eagerness to change

Such a shame


IT'S MY LIFE (1984)

(Holly-Friese Greene)

Funny how I find myself
In love with you
If I could buy my reasoning
I would pay to lose
One half won't do
I've asked myself how much do you
Commit yourself
It's my life
Don't you forget
It's my life
It never ends
Funny how I blind myself
I never knew
If I was sometimes played upon
Afraid to lose
I would tell myself what good you do
Convince myself
It's my life
Don't you forget
It's my life
It never ends
I would ask myself how much do you
Commit yourself
It's my life
Don't you forget
It's my life
It never ends



(Hollis-David-Friese Greene)

Funny how I find myself in love with you
If I could buy my reasoning I'd pay to lose
One half won't do
I've asked myself
How much do you commit yourself?

It's my life
Don't you forget
It's my life
It never ends

Funny how I blind myself
I never knew if I was sometimes played upon
Afraid to lose,
I'd tell myself what good you do
Convince myself

It's my life
Don't you forget
It's my life
It never ends

I've asked myself
How much do you commit yourself?

It's my life
Don't you forget
Caught in the crowd
It never ends

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