
sabato 6 marzo 2010

Run to me

“Run to me” uscì nell’aprile del 1986 e vinse il Festivalbar di quell’anno. Il brano, scritto da autori italiani (Graziano Pegoraro, Romano Bais e Ray Foster), fece furore in Italia, dove raggiunse il numero 1 relegando addirittura Madonna al secondo posto.

La ragazza che lo cantava, Tracy Spencer, un’inglesina di ventun’anni, era stata scoperta da Claudio Cecchetto, che negli Anni ‘80 lanciò molti interpreti, molti dei quali svaniti come meteore, altri invece saliti all’orbita delle stelle, come Jovanotti.

Il 26 aprile “Run to me” entrò al 31° posto della classifica, tre settimane dopo era nella top ten, rimanendovi venti settimane. Il 5 luglio spodestò Madonna, per una sola settimana. Ma il fatto rimase epocale.


Sittin' here when I'm all alone
I remiss of the time we had together
Broke my heart in a thousand ways
As you knew you could keep my love forever
I've always done the things you've asked of me
But someday baby you will learn
Your foolish pride is out of place
You try to hide behind a face that yearns
Do you really want me?
Do you really love me?
Do you really need my heart tonight?
Do you really want me?
Do you really love me?
Can you really show your love?
Run, run, run to me,
your love is hard to find
Run, run, run to me
Run, run, run to me,
come back and stay this time.
Run, run, run to me,
Run, run, run to me
Run, run, run to me,
Run, run, run to me
Run, run, run to me
In my dreams I can see your eyes
I touch your skin and fantasize about you
Looking out and I'm all alone
Turn, and stare at my telephone, it's ringing
You say you're sorry and you think
That maybe we can work it out this time
Although I love you desperately
There's something here that makes me
change my mind
Do you really want me?
Do you really love me?
Do you really need my heart tonight?
Do you really want me?
Do you really love me?
Can you really show your love?
Run, run, run to me,
your love is hard to find
Run, run, run to me
Run, run, run to me,
come back and stay this time
Run, run, run to me,
your love is hard to find
Run, run, run to me
Run, run, run to me,
come back and stay this time
Run, run, run to me,
your love is hard to find
Run, run, run to me
Run, run, run to me,
come back and stay this time
Run, run, run to me,
Run, run, run to me,
Run, run, run to me,
Run, run, run to me,
Run, run, run to me,
Run, run, run to me,
Run, run, run to me,
Run, run, run to me,
Run, run, run to me,

3 commenti:

  1. Nell'86 avevo 7 anni, ma ero innamorato di Tracy Spencer: mi ricordo che incollavo le sue foto su un quadernone. Peccato non abbia cointinuato la sua scalata al successo!

  2. a quanto mi risulta, ora si "accontenta" di fare la madre a Londra e di partecipare a qualche serata di revival

  3. ...fascinosa questa donna...anche da parte di una donna...:)
    se c'è deve dire...
    Ciao Vania
